
Utrecht University (http://www.uu.nl/), which has just celebrated its 375th anniversary, has developed into one of Europe’s largest and most prominent institutes of research and education. With 49 Bachelor’s programmes and 109 Master’s programmes in English, Utrecht University offers the broadest spectrum of English language disciplines available in the Netherlands and innovative research and liaises with universities and research centres all over the world. Recently ranked the Best University in the Netherlands, the 4th best University in Europe, and the 39th best in the world. Utrecht University has been home to many prominent academics, among whom Buys Ballot, Donders, Rudolf Magnus, Van Unnik and Freudenthal. Currently Nobel Prize Winner Gerard ’t Hooft 1999 is affiliated to the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.

A ton of service positions exist in the ancient city centre. However, they usually have low wages and require fluent Dutch.

Gaudeamus Muziekweek

Visit the Gaudeamus Muziekweek (http://www.muziekweek.nl/) 2 September - 9 September 2012. This is the internationally celebrated annual festival for young composers and new music. Apart from the annual festival they also organize a monthly series of new, contemporary music.